Just Edited: DIMENSIONS by Sadie Sanchez

Jul 11, 2024By Maren Sommer
Maren Sommer

If you've read my bio, you may already know the story.

But I'm gonna retell it anyway.

When I went to college, I was 100% certain I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I'd taken CE classes in high school, I'd interned in three different grades, I LOVED those kids, and it was the only thing I was good at.

(Famous last words. Do not repeat my mistakes.)

I was 90% complete with my teaching degree when I started crying after my ESL class. I couldn't stop. My mom walked in on me and was crazy confused that I couldn't figure out what was going on.

Twelve hours of talk therapy later, I realized I liked the kids. Not teaching.

Well, crap.

Fast forward, my communications/English degree professors kept commenting on how fun I was as a writer. But if I didn't want to do that exclusively, why not also be an editor?

I fell in love.

It's been a few years now. I've edited many different books and series, but I still get giddy when one of my authors sends me a picture of their freshly-published book. I usually edit fantasy or contemporary fiction, but this book was my first time editing a self-help journal.

I am thrilled to announce that Sadie Sanchez, founder of the non-profit Perspectus, has recently published her first book DIMENSIONS: 100 Questions to Understand Your Perspective.


I first learned about Sadie through her TEDxSUU talk, The Measurement of Perspective, and only squealed a tiny bit when she reached out to me about editing her book. The book started as a 100-day challenge on Instagram. Each day Sadie talked about one aspect of "perspective"-- how and why we see things a certain way-- and issued a little challenge to help viewers understand the origins of their perspectives better. She told me she was inspired by the 150 people she interviewed after the events of 2020 when so many people were divided and she was struggling to understand why. 

DIMENSIONS has the original 100 questions that explore what factors make up our perspectives. There is also an optional journal you can buy to record any insights or questions that arise as you ponder. I often got lost in my thoughts as I was editing each question; they're so sneakily simple that it can't be helped. And that's amazing!

Buy your copy of DIMENSIONS today, and if you enjoyed it, reach out to Sadie and let her know! And look for her next book, we've already been discussing a few ideas...

Black book with white circle on the cover. DIMENSIONS by Sadie Sanchez book cover.
DIMENSIONS by Sadie Sanchez Book Cover

*All links are simply links, I don't get any money if you click them. I just want to make finding great stories as easy as possible for you!*

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