Editing and Proofreading: Options and FAQs 

How much does it cost to get a book edited?

Made it By Maren charges by word. Proofreading is one cent per word; Editing is two cents per word.

Other editors may charge by time. I choose not to because I don't want to overcharge you because I'm having a bad day.

How long will it take for my book to be edited?

I need a minimum of two weeks to edit a book fully. I typically read the book through two times, so that can take a minute, especially if I'm looking out for plot holes or smoothing out the structure.

Proofreading typically takes me less time, but I still ask for two weeks in case life happens. 

If you need your edits back faster than two weeks, ask me for availability. I will charge an extra 20% for any rush jobs.

What kinds of books do you edit?

I edit all different genres, but I specialize in closed-door romances and Christian or LDS fiction/non-fiction for all age groups. But I've edited contemporary and regency romances, a few sci-fi books, and even a couple of self-help books and journals, so I'm open to anything!

The only requirements I have are that the plot be kept fairly PG-13 and closed-door if they are romances. I prefer books with no on-page sex, and I don't enjoy reading or viewing extreme violence.

If I find that your book is outside these parameters, I will try to find you an editor who specializes in these areas. I'm simply not the right editor for you! 

What's the difference between editing and proofreading?

Editing is done first. It's often when you have a solid idea of your book but you need to smooth out plot holes, solidify character personalities, or raise the stakes.

Proofreading is the last thing you do before you self-publish or send your manuscript off to a traditional publisher. I check for spelling and grammar errors and then send it back to you.

Once you know what edits you need, sign up for a free video consultation with me below!

Why do I need an editor for my book?

If you are a self-publishing author, editing is very important. Most readers will put down a book that has spelling or grammar mistakes in the first few pages of the book. They assume that if the spelling is that bad, the plot is probably not going to be any better.

If you are hoping to be published traditionally by a big company, they will provide their own editors. But often getting your foot (or really, your book) in the door is the biggest hurdle. If your manuscript is riddled with silly spelling mistakes or poorly plotted story arcs, it will be difficult to read. Big publishing houses get too many manuscripts to take the time to translate the mess to decide if they want to keep reading. In this case, you don't need an editor. But if your book keeps getting rejected, it might be a good thing to consider.

How do I find the right editor for my book?

Editors are like therapists-- you've got to shop around until you find the right fit. That's why Made It By Maren requires a free video meeting before any money is exchanged.

The free meeting helps me as the author understand your personality and the core of your story. I will ask you to send me one chapter of your book to me before the meeting. This way I can see if I'm the right editor for your genre, and it will give you a sample of how I work. 

Sometimes we learn that our personalities won't work well together, and that's okay. I wish you well on your publishing journey and look forward to reading your book when it's published!


Proofreading is the last thing you do before submitting for publication. When you're confident in your plot and characters but want a final review before you publish or submit, proofreading is the perfect ending to your story.

Editing Included: Grammar and Spelling Errors

Free video meeting before committing. See How do I find the right editor for my book? above for more details. 

Price: $0.01/word

Book Proofreading Meeting
closeup english misspelling words correction


Editing (substantive or mechanical) always comes before proofreading. This is in-depth, like looking at character development, ironing out plot holes, the overall flow of the writing, etc.

Editing Included:

  • Notes and insights into how all the elements of your story are working together.
  • Focused attention on your specific concerns as I read.
  • Any grammar or spelling errors I come across.
  • A Style Sheet I create specific to your book; if you turn your book into a series, you can keep the spelling/names/plot details consistent between all the books, regardless of the editor you use.

Free video meeting before committing. See How do I find the right editor for my book? above for more details. 

Price: $0.02/word

Book Editing Meeting
Close up of old typewriter covered with dust with Once upon a time text